Name the following common birds:
Let's talk :
i) Do you think bird have families ?
তুমি ভাবানে চৰাইবোৰৰ পৰিয়াল আছে বুলি?
Ans:- Yes, Birds have families.
ii) Do you think birds can talk?
তুমি ভাবা নে চৰাইবোৰে কথা কব পাৰে বুলি?
Ans:- Yes, Birds can talk.
iii) Have you seen people flying in the sky like birds ?
কেতিয়াবা দেখিচানে মানুহবোৰে আকাশত উৰা চৰাইবোৰৰ দৰে?
Ans:- No, I can't sea people flying in the sky like birds.
iv) Do you think trees have a very special place in the lives of birds? Why and how?
তুমি ভাবা নে গছবোৰ চৰাই থকাৰ কাৰণে একেবাৰে উপযোগী বুলি? কিয় আৰু কেনেকৈ?
Ans: Yes, trees are very special place in the lives of birds. Because Trees give home, foods and Safety .
Let's find out what the two birds Robin and jay are talking about.
Bird talk
'Think.......' said the Robin
থিংক চেইদ দি ৰবিন
'Think........' said the jay.
থিংক চেইদ দি জয়
sitting in the garden
চিটিং ইন দি গাৰদেন
talking one day.
তকিং ওৱান দে
'Think about people
থিংক এবাওট পিপুল
থিংক এবাওট পিপুল
the way they grow:
দি ওৱে দে গ্ৰ'ৱ
দি ওৱে দে গ্ৰ'ৱ
they don't have feathers
দে দ'ন্ট হেভ ফাদাৰচ
দে দ'ন্ট হেভ ফাদাৰচ
at all, you know.
এট অল ইউ ন'
এট অল ইউ ন'
They don't eat beetles,
দে দ'ণ্ট ইট বিটেলচ
দে দ'ণ্ট ইট বিটেলচ
they don't grow wings,
দে দ'ণ্ট গ্ৰ' ওইংচ
দে দ'ণ্ট গ্ৰ' ওইংচ
they don't like sitting
দে দণ্ট লাইক চিটিং
দে দণ্ট লাইক চিটিং
on wires and things'.
অন ওৱাইৰচ এণ্ড থিংচ
'Think !' said the robin,
থিং চেইদ দি ৰবিন
থিং চেইদ দি ৰবিন
'Think !' said the jay,
থিংক চেইদ দি জয়
থিংক চেইদ দি জয়
'Aren't people funny
আৰনত পিপুল ফানি
আৰনত পিপুল ফানি
to be that way?
তু বি দেত ওৱে
তু বি দেত ওৱে
Aileen Fisher
এলিয়েন ফিচাৰ
এলিয়েন ফিচাৰ
1. Let's see how much we have understood:
আহা চাও আমি কিমান বুজি পালোঁ
আহা চাও আমি কিমান বুজি পালোঁ
write the rhyming words from the poem for the ones given below:
সোঁৰ মিলা শব্দবোৰৰ কবিতাটোৰ পৰা লিখা।
সোঁৰ মিলা শব্দবোৰৰ কবিতাটোৰ পৰা লিখা।
sink (চিংক ) ..................
crow (ক্ৰ) ..................
swings (চুইং) ..................
honey (হনি) .................
2. Write the answer of the following questions:
তলৰ প্ৰশ্ন কেইটাৰ উত্তৰ দিয়া।
তলৰ প্ৰশ্ন কেইটাৰ উত্তৰ দিয়া।
a) Which birds are talking in the poem?
কি কি চৰাইয়ে কথা পাতি আছে কবিতাটোত?
Ans:- Robin and Jay talking in the poem.
কি কি চৰাইয়ে কথা পাতি আছে কবিতাটোত?
Ans:- Robin and Jay talking in the poem.
b) Who are they talking about ?
তেওঁলোকে কাৰ কথা পাতি আছিল?
Ans:- They talking about people.
তেওঁলোকে কাৰ কথা পাতি আছিল?
Ans:- They talking about people.
c) '' They do not have feathers at all'' - who are 'they' here?
'তেওঁলোকৰ কোনো দেউটাক নাই' - ইয়াত "they" বুলি কাক কৈছে?
'তেওঁলোকৰ কোনো দেউটাক নাই' - ইয়াত "they" বুলি কাক কৈছে?
d) '' Birds eat beetles
They grow wings
They like sitting
on wires and things''- Who are 'they' here ?
e) Why, according to Robin and jay, are people funny?
কিয় ৰবিন আৰু জয় মতে মানুহবোৰ হাঁহতিয়াৰ পাত্ৰ?
3. read the statements and arrange them in sequence to make the summary of the poem:
a) People don't eat beetles. They don;t have wings either.
b) The robin and the jay thought people were funny to be like that.
c) One day the robin and the jay were sitting and talking in the garden.
d) They were talking about people, and that they don't have feathers.
1- (c) One day the robin and the jay were sitting and talking in the garden.
2- (d) They were talking about people, and that they don't have feathers.
3- (a) People don't eat beetles. They don't have wings either.
4- (b) The robin and the jay thought people were funny to be like that.
4. Let's read the discussion:
Arun: Do you know Bina, in ancient times, birds used to carry letters? Then the postman came. He used to go from door to door to deliver letters.
Bina: Yes, they used to take so much pain to give us our letter But see! How the days have changed!
Bina: Yes, the computer is the most wonderful discovery modern times.
5. Let's read a few words related to computers:
আহা পঢ়ো কম্পিউটাৰ লগত জড়িত কিছুমান শব্দ।
Computer--------i) internet
ii) keyboard
iii) printer
iv) speaker
v) music
vi) games
vii) mouse
viii) typing
ix) email
কিয় ৰবিন আৰু জয় মতে মানুহবোৰ হাঁহতিয়াৰ পাত্ৰ?
3. read the statements and arrange them in sequence to make the summary of the poem:
a) People don't eat beetles. They don;t have wings either.
b) The robin and the jay thought people were funny to be like that.
c) One day the robin and the jay were sitting and talking in the garden.
d) They were talking about people, and that they don't have feathers.
1- (c) One day the robin and the jay were sitting and talking in the garden.
2- (d) They were talking about people, and that they don't have feathers.
3- (a) People don't eat beetles. They don't have wings either.
4- (b) The robin and the jay thought people were funny to be like that.
4. Let's read the discussion:
Arun: Do you know Bina, in ancient times, birds used to carry letters? Then the postman came. He used to go from door to door to deliver letters.
Bina: Yes, they used to take so much pain to give us our letter But see! How the days have changed!
Bina: Yes, the computer is the most wonderful discovery modern times.
5. Let's read a few words related to computers:
আহা পঢ়ো কম্পিউটাৰ লগত জড়িত কিছুমান শব্দ।
Computer--------i) internet
ii) keyboard
iii) printer
iv) speaker
v) music
vi) games
vii) mouse
viii) typing
ix) email
6. Let's read:
A keyboard is to type, a printer is to print.
এ কিবৌদ ইউজ টো তাইপ, এ প্ৰিনটাৰ ইজ টু প্ৰিণ্ট
A speaker is to sound, a mouse is to click.
11. Make words related to a computer, e-mails etc. to computer the grid:
12. Tongue twisters.
Say these as fast as you can:
Blue birds below the bridge.
Six silly sheep still asleep.
Bipul blows big blue bubbles.
14. Reading for pleasure:
It's a hot summer day. The sun is shining bright. Everyone is feeling the heat. People are drinking coconut water, having ice cream and taking rest under the shade of a tree.
Two birds are sitting on the branch of a tree. They are very thirsty. They are unable to find water anywhere.
A keyboard is to type, a printer is to print.
এ কিবৌদ ইউজ টো তাইপ, এ প্ৰিনটাৰ ইজ টু প্ৰিণ্ট
A speaker is to sound, a mouse is to click.
11. Make words related to a computer, e-mails etc. to computer the grid:
12. Tongue twisters.
Say these as fast as you can:
Blue birds below the bridge.
Six silly sheep still asleep.
Bipul blows big blue bubbles.
14. Reading for pleasure:
It's a hot summer day. The sun is shining bright. Everyone is feeling the heat. People are drinking coconut water, having ice cream and taking rest under the shade of a tree.
Two birds are sitting on the branch of a tree. They are very thirsty. They are unable to find water anywhere.
এইটো আছিল গৰমৰ দিন। বেলিটো বৰ উজ্বল হৈ আছিল। সকলোৱে বৰ গৰম অনুভব কৰিছিল। মানুহবোৰে নাৰিকলৰ পানী, আইচ ক্ৰিম খাই আছিল আৰু জিৰনী লৈছিল গছৰ তলত।
দুজনী চৰাই গছৰ দাল এটাত বহি আছিল। সিহতৰ বহুত পিয়াহ লাগিছিল। সিহতে কতো পানী বিচাৰি পোৱা নাছিল।
A little girl is standing under the tree and listening to their discussion. She is feeling sorry for them and is rushing back home to bring them a bowl of water. She brings a bowl of water and places it under the tree. The birds see the bowl of water and come down and refresh themselves with that water. They are very happy and fresh now. They thank the little girl for her kindness. She goes back happily and tells her mother about the incident. Mother is very happy to here that and appreciates her for her good deed. she tells her that people should always help other in need.
এজনী সৰু ছোৱালী গছজোপাৰ তলত বহি আছিল আৰু শুনি আছিল সিঁহতৰ কথা বতৰা। তাই সিহঁতৰ ওপৰত বৰ দূখ অনুভব কৰিছিল আৰু তাই ঘৰলৈ গৈছিল আৰু সিহঁতৰ কাৰণে পানী এবাতি আনিছিল। তাই সেই বাতি পানী গছজোপাৰ তলত থৈছিল। চৰাই কেইটাই সেই পনী খিনি দেখা পাইছিল আৰু নামী আহিছিল আৰু সতেজ হৈ লৈছিল সেই পানী খিনিদি। সিহঁতে বহুত সুখি হল আৰু সতেজ অনুভব কৰিছে। সিহতে সৰু ছোৱালি জনীৰ দয়ালু স্বাভাবৰ কাৰণে ধন্যবাদ জনালে। তাই আনন্দ মনেৰে ঘৰলৈ ওভতি গল আৰু মাকক সম্পূণ ঘটনাটোৰ বিষয়ে অবগত কৰালে। মাকে কথা খিনি জানি বৰ আনন্দিত হল আৰু তাই কৰা এই কাম খিনিৰ কাৰণে উসাহ দিলে। তাই মানুহ বোৰক কৈছিল প্ৰয়োজন হৈ থকা লোকক সদাই সহায় কৰিব লাগে।
15. Match the words which have the same meaning:
16. Let's read the following words aloud. In column B, when 'h' combines with 's' it makes a new sound:
18. Tomorrow is weekly market at beharbari Robin and his father will go there to sell vegetables. Let's read what Robin is planning for tomorrow:
I am so happy that tomorrow I will be going to the weekly market with my father. I will wear the new shirt that I bought last month. I am very excited because we will carry our vegetables to the market in our new van. It will take an hour to reach the market, so we will start very early in the morning. I will help my father in selling the vegetables. My friends from the nearby villages will also come. I will buy toys for my sister. She will be very happy. While coming back I shall buy some sweets for my mother.
19. Rewrite the following sentences using "will" or "Shall":
a ) We . sell our vegetables at the weekly market .
b ) We take our vegetables in our van .
c ) It takes an hour to reach the market .
d ) My friends also come to the weekly market .
e ) I buy toys for my sister .
20 . Let ' s talk :
Look at the pictures below and imagine what is going on . Sit in pairs and ask your friend a question and he / she will say the answer by looking at the picture . One is done for you as an example
Student A : Why is the girl happy ?
Student b : She is happy because she is wearing a beautiful frock .
Question: Question:
Answer: Answer:দুজনী চৰাই গছৰ দাল এটাত বহি আছিল। সিহতৰ বহুত পিয়াহ লাগিছিল। সিহতে কতো পানী বিচাৰি পোৱা নাছিল।
A little girl is standing under the tree and listening to their discussion. She is feeling sorry for them and is rushing back home to bring them a bowl of water. She brings a bowl of water and places it under the tree. The birds see the bowl of water and come down and refresh themselves with that water. They are very happy and fresh now. They thank the little girl for her kindness. She goes back happily and tells her mother about the incident. Mother is very happy to here that and appreciates her for her good deed. she tells her that people should always help other in need.
এজনী সৰু ছোৱালী গছজোপাৰ তলত বহি আছিল আৰু শুনি আছিল সিঁহতৰ কথা বতৰা। তাই সিহঁতৰ ওপৰত বৰ দূখ অনুভব কৰিছিল আৰু তাই ঘৰলৈ গৈছিল আৰু সিহঁতৰ কাৰণে পানী এবাতি আনিছিল। তাই সেই বাতি পানী গছজোপাৰ তলত থৈছিল। চৰাই কেইটাই সেই পনী খিনি দেখা পাইছিল আৰু নামী আহিছিল আৰু সতেজ হৈ লৈছিল সেই পানী খিনিদি। সিহঁতে বহুত সুখি হল আৰু সতেজ অনুভব কৰিছে। সিহতে সৰু ছোৱালি জনীৰ দয়ালু স্বাভাবৰ কাৰণে ধন্যবাদ জনালে। তাই আনন্দ মনেৰে ঘৰলৈ ওভতি গল আৰু মাকক সম্পূণ ঘটনাটোৰ বিষয়ে অবগত কৰালে। মাকে কথা খিনি জানি বৰ আনন্দিত হল আৰু তাই কৰা এই কাম খিনিৰ কাৰণে উসাহ দিলে। তাই মানুহ বোৰক কৈছিল প্ৰয়োজন হৈ থকা লোকক সদাই সহায় কৰিব লাগে।
15. Match the words which have the same meaning:
Little | Small |
Happy | Joyful, delighted |
Need | Want |
Help | assistance |
16. Let's read the following words aloud. In column B, when 'h' combines with 's' it makes a new sound:
18. Tomorrow is weekly market at beharbari Robin and his father will go there to sell vegetables. Let's read what Robin is planning for tomorrow:
I am so happy that tomorrow I will be going to the weekly market with my father. I will wear the new shirt that I bought last month. I am very excited because we will carry our vegetables to the market in our new van. It will take an hour to reach the market, so we will start very early in the morning. I will help my father in selling the vegetables. My friends from the nearby villages will also come. I will buy toys for my sister. She will be very happy. While coming back I shall buy some sweets for my mother.
19. Rewrite the following sentences using "will" or "Shall":
a ) We . sell our vegetables at the weekly market .
b ) We take our vegetables in our van .
c ) It takes an hour to reach the market .
d ) My friends also come to the weekly market .
e ) I buy toys for my sister .
20 . Let ' s talk :
Look at the pictures below and imagine what is going on . Sit in pairs and ask your friend a question and he / she will say the answer by looking at the picture . One is done for you as an example
Student A : Why is the girl happy ?
Student b : She is happy because she is wearing a beautiful frock .
Question: Question:
Question: Question:
Answer: Answer:21 . Let ' s talk . Discuss in pairs the differences between the pictures and make a list of the differences :
Now, tell a story to your friend based on the pictures. You may use the following words and phrases while telling the story.
One day, my friends, bought a sapling, digging a hole, planting, watering, flowers, goat, leaf, beautiful, rainbow, tall trees, cleaning eating.